Most of us are willing to tolerate short term medical interventions and courses of treatment when we know there is an end in sight. But, folks with chronic diseases are usually on some kind of treatment regimen for the rest of their lives. They may not have a death sentence, but they sure do have a life sentence! Is it any wonder that they turn away from the bearers of bad news and go off in search of magic bullets and natural cures?
Popular advertising (print, television, infomercials, and free sample distributors in warehouse clubs) for many “natural products” on the market generate mistrust in the medical profession. The commercials want you to believe that the medical establishment has secret information that they hide from sick people in order to make themselves rich. The theory has become so prevalent, that many people actually take it to be truth. It’s time for a reality check! The vast majority of doctors became doctors because they wanted to help people, not harm them by hiding cures. The supposed “natural cure” advertising implies that the drug companies and doctors merely want to get rich at the expense of suffering patients. Ask yourself, what are the sellers of “natural cures” doing? Have you ever looked into their multi-level marketing schemes? What is the evidence for their claims? Were there true scientific studies done? What methods were used? Where are the results published? Let’s not forget that hemlock and arsenic are natural too, but they can kill you, just ask Socrates! And IF these cures worked, why are so many people still sick and suffering? Why are millions of dollars being spent on research? I was approached by a seller of some very expensive berry juice-$25 for a quart bottle-who claimed that it cured a whole range of chronic conditions. His proof? There was something on Yahoo! A supposed doctor contacted my office claiming that he had a neuropeptide vaccination that would cure lupus. It only cost $250 a shot and might take two to do the trick. Of course, it wasn’t approved for use in this country and people should call his cell because he didn’t maintain a physical office! I could post something on the internet claiming that cheesecake cures cancer but that wouldn’t make it true!
Herbs, vitamins and micronutrients are often touted as cures. Think about it; as a society, we take whole food in its natural state, fragment it, refine it, then we fortify it to put back what we took out. Wheat is a perfect example. We remove the fiber and bleach the wheat to make white flour. Then we add fiber to our water or yogurt to keep our bowels moving. We process the vitamins out of food and then pay lots of money to take the very same vitamins in pills. Why not eat the whole food in the first place? A word of caution: ALWAYS discuss any herb, vitamin or supplement with your doctor BEFORE taking anything. Some of these “natural” cures can make your disease worse or have a negative interaction with your medications.
What can you do to help yourself? Good, whole food is the best “natural cure” you can give to your body. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Strive for one that is low in fat, high in fiber and avoids too many processed foods. Get regular exercise, even if all you can do is walk or swing your arms for a few minutes. Talk to your doctor and develop a treatment plan together. Remember, there are no magic bullets. Living your best life takes work!
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