Saturday, November 13, 2010


When you have a chronic illness, you have to be able to balance things. Sometimes we barely have enough energy to do the things we really need to get done like basic activities of daily living. Sometimes we do have enough energy. Then something comes along that we WANT to do, like a special event or activity. Those are the times that require some very careful balancing.

Do we do the thing we HAVE to do, then go on and do the thing we WANT to do knowing full well that we may crash the next day? Do we let essential things slide and just do the thing we want to do and try to catch up later? Do we skip the thing we WANT to do becase we are afraid of the physical consequences, and then sit and stew about it? If we do commit to doing the fun thing, will we have to cancel at the last minute because we just don't feel up to it? Will our friends be angry? Will they think we are faking it?

There is no right answer. Each day, each challenge is different. We may take on too much. We may not take on enough. But every day we strive for balance.

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